This is my parish. On Easter we arrive 45 minutes early to get good seats. Easter is a day of celebration and with celebration come lots of the so called "occasional" churchgoers. These folks show up 10 minutes before mass starts and huff and puff that there are no more seats. Well lesson learned people! I wonder why the occasionals even bother...I mean do they think attending mass on this holiday will make up for the other 50 weeks that they don't show up(minus Easter and Christmas)...maybe in God's eyes...but not in mine. Happy Easter. At most high masses it means that we get to sit through a very long mass elongated by 2 Mozart pieces and Vivaldi on top of the regular singing responses. The music is beautiful but wayyyy tooo lonnnggg. Maybe handing out candy would make it more bearable - I don't know. But we just smile and sing and nod and kneel and pray. And hope and believe that all this will help save our souls one day.